Automated home 2.0 – #19 To burn or not to Burn?

I love a real fire, who doesn’t, a warm and atmospheric focal point for any room.

We originally had 2 wood burning stoves on our drawings. One in the open plan kitchen / dining / living room and one in the snug. We’re installing an Air source heat Pump in the new house therefore we will no longer be burning heating oil and I’m really happy about that. So happy in fact that I framed my final heating oil bill from the old house (no really).

Leading on from all this we started to think, what if we cut it all out? Not just the heating oil, but gas and wood too. The more we talked about it the more it just felt right not to burn anything anymore.

And the more we looked into it the more we read from owners of similar airtight homes doing the same – or wishing they had…

I also love the idea of never running out of fuel again. No worries about ordering oil, changing gas cylinders, buying Bio Ethanol or stacking and carrying firewood.

Ποιότητα αέρα

And there’s another consideration here too. By now everyone is aware how harmful burning coal is, but there are some stark health warnings around the type of wood burning stove we had in our last home too, something that was confirmed by our Foobot as well.

Some older wood burning stoves with certain wood fuel can be worse than a diesel automobile for PM2.5 particulates and open fires are worse still. Here’s a good BBC article on the subject…

Most people don’t realise that a wood burning stove emits more particles per hour than a diesel truck….the government will ban the sale of the most polluting fuels and ensure that only the cleanest stoves are available available for sale by 2022.

While there are cleaner stoves available now, and properly dried wood from a reliable supplier can really minimise the particulates, there seems little point in all the air filtration of our MVHR system only to introduce all this stuff back inside the house. and even if it isn’t entering your room it’s still contributing to poor air quality outside.

Other advantages in removing the two chimneys from our build were the associated cost savings and hopefully an improvement in our airtightness too.

We may still decide to fit an electric fire similar to this one


Burning wood has been considered as carbon neutral and sustainable. but the time scale for the replacement tree to clean up the CO2 from that burning is increasingly being seen as a problem…

But while burning wood right away releases carbon, it takes decades or even a century for a replacement tree to absorb the same amount of carbon. In the meantime, all that atmospheric carbon will continue to drive climate change.

But doesn’t electricity production still use gas and even some coal too? True, but just like with an electric car, an electrical heating system will get cleaner over time as more and more of our energy comes from renewables. The all island fuel mix for 2018 shows that already almost half of our electricity is coming from renewable sources. You can also choose a 100% renewable electricity tariff too. add your own Solar PV and it gets even better.

All this eco stuff sounds great, but then I’m reminded of my hypocrisy for choosing to go with a block build with all this concrete.

Electric Avenue

So then, a house that requires only one type of energy, electricity. but that’s also a single point of failure, what if the electricity gets cut off? Our old petrol generator is enough of a backup for the basics for now. In the future it may be common place to pull power back from our electric car’s battery to feed the home (V2G).

Alternatively a domestic battery setup like this one could be used to store power that could be produced by ourselves from a Solar PV system or bought cheaply with an overnight tariff and stored for use in the day time or during power cuts. like a lot of things on the current wish list, a PV system and battery is something that may not make it into our build at the start, but it’s definitely something we’re planning for in the future.

This whole no fires thing may all seem a little controversial right now. maybe we’ll even regret our decision, time will tell.

But, it feels right.



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10 ideas For A terrific Garage Sale

Last weekend, I held a garage sale at my parents’ home in Ancaster, Ontario. despite the fact that I had never hosted one before, the sale [turned out to be] a substantial success. here is some recommendations to follow if you’re planning a sale of your own:

1. spend on advertising

Garage sale enthusiasts scour their local newspapers for listings. If your sale is taking place on a Saturday morning, you must place ads in your local daily on both Friday and Saturday (I also booked a Thursday ad in a weekly village paper). lots of newspapers gave you a perk noting online; some also offer complimentary posters. Be descriptive in your word choice — are you hosting a garage sale? A contents sale? list any crucial items that could attract certain buyers. Our family was using antique furniture, vintage books, old tools and garden decor; we discussed all of these things in our description. I spent about $85 in advertising.

2. Take the day off work the day before (if you can)

A successful garage sale is a well-organized garage sale, and preparation takes time. start with a clear-cut plan of action. The day before our sale, I cleaned out our entire garage, which gave us a blank slate to work with. I also made room in our backyard shed and in our basement. Don’t wait until the night before to do the grunt work, or you’ll be working into the wee hours of the morning.

3. expect people to arrive early

If your sale starts at 8 a.m., count on the first people to arrive an hour early. (Ours started at 8 a.m. with the first buyers pulling up in front of our house at 6:45 a.m. A few furniture dealers actually concerned our house the day before. I was delighted to sell a few pieces in advance.)

4. Enlist a team of helpers

Leading up to the sale, my brother and sister-in-law did an extraordinary job of organizing our sale items into batches: in each room of our house, they made neat piles of all the things we’d be selling and clearly labeled them “For Sale” or “NOT For Sale!” They arrived bright and early on the morning of the sale, along with my niece and my partner. With five people working the sale, we were well covered.

5. Don’t bother with pricing

Determine the going price of your crucial pieces beforehand. everything else can be negotiated on the spot. even though we had five people working at our sale, we made a decision that one of us needed to play the role of hard cop if buyers made low-ball uses (and they did). I had no problem saying no to an offer of a single dime for a charming vintage leather-bound book!*

6. Merchandising is everything

Even though hosting a garage sale was new to me, I am no stranger to flea markets and antique shows. Here’s what I’ve learned: display as much as you can on tables, so people don’t have to bend down, and place similar objects together. I organized my family’s collection of rose glassware and white wine goblets on one table, and placed our crystal decanters, vintage cutlery and silver trays on another. Kitsch all got grouped together! When items start to sell, it’s a good idea to either replenish or consolidate — no one likes the look of a sparsely laid table.

7. You can never have too lots of card tables

For a full-looking garage sale, plan on using 10-12 tables. Don’t have enough? Ask your pals and neighbours if you can borrow theirs; offer them something complimentary from the sale to say thanks! I set the tables out along the perimeter of our driveway, so that there was a great flow of foot traffic.

8. Don’t think it will sell? ξανασκέψου το

On the morning of our sale, my sister-in-law and partner emerged from our basement with a few dusty cardboard boxes filled with old copper pipe fittings, plumbing cast-offs and fishing tackle. They both thought we might be able to get good money for them. I was mortified. “No one will want that! plus it doesn’t look very nice!” Τους είπα. guess what things sold in no time flat?

9. people love to rummage

An addendum to #6 above: even though attractive merchandising can make an everyday garage sale look a lot more elegant, don’t be terrified to include a few unorganized, haphazard boxes of “junk.” people take pleasure in the thrill of the hunt! I was about to start organizing several boxes of old paperbacks and records onto shelves, until I saw how much people seemed to love the process of leafing though them.

10. A good back story goes a long way

I can’t tell you how lots of times I closed a sale by using up a fun anecdote about an object. “That glass demijohn you’re looking at? My daddy used to make white wine in it every September!” “That framed print you’re holding? It’s in the style of Dutch Renaissance genre painting, and it hung above our fireplace for nearly 30 years!” A little history goes a long way. who doesn’t want to bring home a fun story?

*Before you host your sale, it’s a good idea to prearrange a pick-up of any items left unsold. We called a local charity and they were σε θέση να ταλαντεύεται μετά την πώληση μας. Τα απαλά χρησιμοποιημένα βιβλία και τα πλήρη σύνολα πιάτων εκτιμώνται ιδιαίτερα από φιλανθρωπικούς οργανισμούς.

Τέλος, θα μοιραστώ μαζί σας τη λίστα με αυτό που βρήκα τα πιο στοιχεία πώλησης γκαράζ. Αυτά ήταν πράγματα που οι άνθρωποι είτε με ζήτησαν επανειλημμένα, είτε κομμάτια που πωλήσαμε αμέσως, χωρίς καθόλου παζαρεύοντας. Εάν έχετε κάποιο από αυτά τα αντικείμενα για να πουλήσετε, θα πρότεινα να αρχίσετε να σκέφτεστε να φιλοξενήσετε τη δική σας πώληση γκαράζ σύντομα!

Τα 5 μας δημοφιλή αντικείμενα

Έπιπλα τικ (κατά προτίμηση από τη δεκαετία του ’50 ή του ’60)

Βολές σφαίρες

Παλαιά ρολόγια και κοσμήματα

Εξωτερικά έπιπλα

Vintage εργαλεία

Δείτε μια γκαλερί των ανακαινισμένων αποθηκευμένων ευρημάτων των συντάκτη μας και διαβάστε πολλά περισσότερα για τα κορυφαία ψύλλων αγοράς εδώ.

Πηγές φωτογραφίας
Mark Challen